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Apply to Involve Financial - Tyler

After watching the Career Overview, complete the applicant assessment. This form allows us to better understand what is important to you in a new career and helps us both explore whether this is a mutual fit.

Of the above career characteristics, select which 3 are most important

Of the above characteristics, which 2 are least important?

Think of a 1 being "You guys are great but I am considering LOTS of other options" and a 10 being "Holy Smokes! This checks all the boxes for me and I would do really well - PICK ME!!"

if yes, please explain

Traffic offenses and many misdemeanors are acceptable, but felonies and pending charges may bar you from obtaining a license. List any criminal, financial, etc information that will be found on a extensive background check.

Every state requires a license to sell insurance; the cost typically ranges from $200 - $350. We offer a licensing incentive and will reimburse your licensing costs after you have sold a certain amount of premium.

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